Hey guys, what have for you now finally are the designs for my character Billy, which I'll be very happy to explain to you what went through my mind as I was designing him. Please enjoy the gallery although you won't get to see the designs for Billy right away, you'll see some drawings I've done of regular goths. It's me just testing out and trying to capture the goth look and make sure I get that right for my character.
These drawings are the first pieces of test drawings I did of goths, just to try and capture the look of them and everything and some of these characters are kids, and since my character Billy is what you'd like to call a kid goth, I have to see what kind of clothes they wear and what they personality is because as you know goth kids act very differently compared to regular kids.
More test drawings, one of them being the very iconic figure of a goth with wings also if you notice there's a drawing in there of a goth's tattoo which is something I'm very keen to give the character.
Again more test drawings, I basically drew these to see if the look of any different goth would suit my own goth.
This one is based on the digital goth painting of actor Steve Buscemi which I collected for research from the internet. I was also thinking about giving Billy the same lip service that goth Steve as I call him here has.
This is a hand test, I had loads of ideas on how to make this work for my character, I had the idea that maybe his hands would have eyes in the palms like the pale man had in "Pan's Labyrinth". Also I had the idea that he would have a dark poem tattooed on his hand and what I did was I took the poem from one of the actresses' Megan Fox's tattoos because it's the only dark gothic story I know and it's not exactly a poem. The phrase is "There once was a little girl who never knew love until a boy broke her heart".
Unfortunately I couldn't fit the whole poem down.
Again just exploring some more ideas and again trying out with the tattoos.
More ideas.
Now this is the first design for Billy I did just exploring the hair and just trying to capture the solitary nine-year-old feel to him.
This is him with a long leather jacket with loads of belt buckles. Even though it's appropriate to goths, few of my friends thought it was little too extreme for a nine-year-old but the idea is is that he is a very extreme character but I suppose it would be a bit too extreme.
This is exploring the creepy aspect of him and that's his insect loving self if you notice the little spider that he's stroking. Plus I wanted to give him long streaks of hair and have him wear stocking on his arms like most goths.
Again exploring his insect loving side and again just trying out some ideas for the hair.
This is his way of saying leave me alone and just making him a little creepy looking. Looking at this drawing now, I basically see a combination of three characters, Gollum a little bit, Jamie Hewlett esc the way he draws his characters and Neil from "The Young Ones" all to make one goth.
Again this is exploring his insect loving side only this time he's acting like a insect as he's down on all fours.
As you can tell from what it says on his t-shirt, this shows that he loves insects more then humans. Also I've done some stuff with the eyes as well, remembering that phrase that the eyes are the windows to the soul. And in this case his eyes show that he's creepy and dead inside when he's around people.
Gave him sunglasses here but in the end though I decided not to go with this one because he looked at bit like Neo from "The Matrix", but definitely kept the neck collar.
This is him with a wide shirt with a spider's skull in the centre of it. I decided that I wanted him to wear a gothic shirt that had an insect pattern on it, so I did some research for spider skulls and found one and placed that skull onto what you see here on the centre of his shirt. Also I have cockroach tattoos on the palm of hands here, exploring the tattoo aspect.
This is a little bit based off of Tobey Maguire when he goes all goth in 'Spider-Man 3". I saw a digital painting of that particular image from the film of him showing his darker side and incorporated that into my design here but changed the image on his shirt.
This is a little poster idea I had of him showing his shadow of what he is inside and that's an insect-like monster.
This is him with his ideal mother and father.
This one I have to say is my favourite because he looks more like a trapped child and plus I've given him different coloured hair. I decided it was interesting if he was a blonde goth which you don't really see a lot of.
Him jamming on a base guitar.
This is him with a little bit of a camp rocker kind of look.
This is the idea of given glasses and making him look a bit more like a creepy scientist. And this could be what he would look like when he's studying his babies.
This is a creepy one of him as a school boy with spider legs that he's somehow stuck onto his back. This is also a little homage to "The Omen", one of the great classics in horror film history
Him with a long coat just minding his own business.
Upper shot of him towering over what could be ants, so this image is from an ant's perspective.
Him holding a spider and looking at it in his own loving way.
Shot of him hooded and looking up, giving him that mysterious figure kind of look.
Finally these are just head shots and what tattoos would suit his face.
Now you've seen the gallery of early sketches, what I'll tell you now is that I decided to make one more design and that design will be the final one. None of these will have that title and there fore be modelled into Maya because to me they don't quite suit to what I now have in mind which I think is perfect, sorry to sound bias. Anyway what I'll be doing is mixing of few of the designs you've seen above and try and make them into one and that one will be what Billy will end up looking like. And that's what you're gonna see in the next blog report.